Laurent Cohen-Tanugi to participate in Harvard University, Georgetown Law, and the French Consulate in Boston’s Symposium on International Sanctions  


Over the last 30 years, the use of economic sanctions has become one of the most significant developments in the foreign policy of the United States and, more recently, of the European Union and its Member States. Sanctions have been used in a variety of international crises, with growing political and economic impact, as exemplified by today’s international response to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.


To discuss sanctions and diplomacy today, a large group of Law professors and practitioners, from the U.S. and from France, have accepted to participate in the transatlantic academic dialogue proposed by the Weatherhead Center for International Studies at Harvard University, the Center for Transnational Business and the Law at Georgetown Law, and the French Consulate in Boston.  


On June 2nd and 3rd, come and join Laurent Cohen-Tanugi and leading academic figures as they discuss some key questions for the future of sanctions:


How to use sanctions to respond to violations of international law with strong political/economic impact?


How to ensure that sanctions are effective, enforceable and adaptable?


How to promote converging views and multilateral coordination among partners and Allies?   


To register: The Future of Sanctions: Law & Diplomacy Tickets, Thu, Jun 2, 2022 at 8:30 AM | Eventbrite

16 May 2022